Board & Staff

Any member in good standing is eligible to run for a position with the ISGB.  We'd love to have you enrich our community with your experience!

  • Learn about the responsibilities shared by all of our board members HERE
  • Spring elections run every May
  • Terms are two years beginning September 1st

Our organization is governed by a Board of Directors elected by our membership. Our Board of Directors uses policy governance to envision the future and to ensure operations are aligned with our mission statement and meet the evolving needs of our constituency. Our board currently meets once a month via conference call.

For more information, contact

Board of Directors

Martha Giberson 2019 (3)

Martha Giberson

President / Chairman of the Board

Located in Massachusetts

Martha takes great pride in our organization and is very active in planning our annual Conference, "The Gathering", and all aspects of fundraising.

Deb cox profile

Debora Cox
Vice President / Director of Organizational Support

Located in Oregon

Deb is dedicated to helping the ISGB community grow and thrive and will be working with the Gathering team.

Bryna Lumb

Bryna Lumb
Treasurer / Director of Finance

Located in Missouri

Bryna keeps our finances up to date, guiding the organization to success.


Joan Keller
Director of Membership

Located in California

Joan is dedicated to growing the ISGB membership with new and inventive stragegies.


Floor Kaspers
Director of Education

Located in the Netherlands

Floor has been working on expanding our international presence with the Your Bead for Venice Exhibition and expanding the ISGB educational programs.



This could be YOU!

Director of Marketing

Interested in filling a position contact


Elise and bindi copy

Elise Strauss
Director At Large 

Located in Oregon

Elise is looking forward to assisting with our fundraising efforts and helping where needed. 

Laura Simone 2021 (2)

Laura Simone
Director At Large

Located in New York

Laura is the editor of the Glass Bead Evolution and is focused on creating value for her readership.

Steven Bay

Steven Bay
Director At Large

Located in California

Steve will be taking on the role of Chapter Faciliator working to grow the organization and chapters.


Carol Ann Savage DAL

Carol Ann Savage
Director At Large

Located in Ontario

Carol Ann works with the Gathering team, exhibtion and Glass Bead Evolution.


ISGB is a volunteer run organization with a working Board.  We employee an Operations Manager who oversees the running of the organization.  Our Sales Representative is here to serve your advertising needs for our quarterly publication the "Glass Bead Evolution", our monthly membership newsletter the "Bead Release", and Gathering sponsorship opportunities.


Karyn Sweezy
Operations Manager

Located in Connecticut

Karyn is happy to assist you with any of your ISGB needs.

Advertising Sales Representative


Get Involved!

This is an exciting opportunity to join a group of dedicated glass beadmakers and share your skills within the community.  Volunteers are always needed! If a board position is not for you,  join a committee or offer to share your skills on a project.  We are beadmakers supporting beadmakers.

Raise Your Hand!

Open Positions

The ISGB seeks a Marketing and communication director. Contact to learn more.

Volunteer Opportunities

The ISGB has several appointed positions and committees that can use your help.  Find out more about them HERE.  Please consider sharing your talent and experience with us!

Interested in becoming a board member? Email us at for information regarding upcoming board vacancies.