Dream it, Submit it and Inspire others.

See your work published in the Glass Bead Evolution.


Join the fun! 

Open to Anyone

 ISGB Members and Non Members

 (ISGB membership offers prize opportunities by joining the corresponding membership Challenges!)


Submit your inspiration based on the Glass Bead Evolutions Issues and ISGB Membership Challenge and your work may be included in our Inspiration Gallery.  ISGB Members also have the opportunity to win fabulous prizes from our sponsors.

Submit your entry: Please send one photo of your bead or bead set and artist statement to membership@isgb.org.

Deadlines to Submit:

Published in the Glass Bead Evolution.

Issues available to purchase or included with ISGB Membership.

Issue 12.1 February 29, 2024  - Pantone Color of the Year Peach Fuzz 

Issue 12.2 May 31, 2024 - Class Creations 

Issue 12/3 September 30, 2024 - Everything Murrine

Issue 12.4 November 30, 2024 - Beads of Courage Inspired


Who Can Enter

Anyone!  BUT ISGB membership has benefits: 

  • Including prize opportunities
  • FREE digital GBE subscription 


All Photos need to meet print criteria to be included in each issue.

High resolution (min 1MG) photos with no hands in the picture and some neutral space around the bead. Do not over-crop the image.

  • In focus
  • Name the photo with the Entrant’s full name, bead name if it has one, and chapter affiliation. Be sure we know which photo is yours, so you are credited. Example: JenniferMillsap_SpringTotem_FireandRain.jpg Include name of photo credit if you are not the photographer. 


Where to view inspiration 

ISGB membership Challenges will share photos along the way by posting on our ISGB membership creative challenge webpage & membership Facebook group.  

Glass Bead Evolution - Inspiration Gallery will be available for purchase or download with ISGB membership. Published Quarterly, on or around March, June, October and December. 

Membership Challenges are open to all ISGB Members

JOIN the ISGB today!