
Gathering Scholarship
Each year ISGB offers scholarships to qualifying members to attend our conference, "The Gathering". This is an amazing opportunity to learn, share, and participate in this annual event. Visit our Gathering website for more information about this event.
2023 Scholarship opportunites coming soon!
We invite you to join us!
- Allex Cheng Full Gathering Scholarship
- Cindy Jenkins Full Gathering Scholarship
- ISGB Student Scholarship
- Mike Gannon Scholarship
- ISGB Scholarship

Viyad & Alexx Cheng Education Shcolarship.
Presented 2021- 2024 With an annual deadline of March 1
This is an opportunity for an ISGB member to pursue a lampworking educational opportunity anywhere! A truly special gift.
Calls for Submissions

Each year the ISGB sends out calls to teach and present at our annual conference, "The Gathering". While the ISGB focuses on its members, this is an opportunity for both members and non-members to share their skills and promote the art. The ISGB also sends out a call to members for Commemorative Bead submissions.
- Commemorative Bead Submission - members only Each year the ISGB supports an artist by purchasing and selling a bead that represents the artist's style as a commemorative bead to our Gathering attendees.
- Call for Presenters no membership required The Gathering hosts a series of educational presentations that are not limited to glass. These may be complementary mediums, as well as topics of professional developmental and business education among artists and craftspeople.
- Call for Instructors no membership required The Gathering offers a variety of workshops that are based on current trends and industry interest. These workshops are not limited to torch-based work.
- President's Collection no membership required At the end of each ISGB president's term, they look at the entire glass community and choose pieces that represent the current market trends and advancements in glass. These magnificent pieces are submitted to the Corning Museum of Glass, thereby promoting both the artists and the medium.
- Postcard Project no membership required Each year we call for postcards from artists around the world to create a collection that is sought after as a keepsake and relevant to the artists' advancements of the year. This is a great opportunity to see your own growth as well as the industry's.
- Exhibitions members only The ISGB has hosted many exhibitions over the years, elevating the art of glass. Visit past exhibitions to see the amazing work of our members. (Coming soon)
ISGB publishes a monthly newsletter, "The Bead Release", in which you will be the first to learn about all submissions and other opportunities. You can also check in with News and Insights for all the latest at any time.

ISGB is a proud supporter of the Beads of Courage Program
Visit the Beads of Courage website for more information.