Membership Matters
By joining the ISGB, you help us support the art of glass beadmaking and help us in pursuing our mission.
We are Beadmakers supporting Beadmakers
We invite you to join us!


Support through donations helps make it possible for the ISGB to continue its longstanding tradition of producing quality, broad based programming for beadmakers and flame workers worldwide. This includes
- Our annual Gathering
- Our quarterly magazine, the "Glass Bead Evolution"
- Scholarship opportunities
- Online Auctions
- Year end Appeal
Donations make us a more effective organization, and it is your donation that will help ensure the ISGB stays strong and meets our fundraising goals. Please consider donating to the ISGB. Your contribution will enable our organization to continue moving forward, meeting the challenges of the future and strengthening our drive of the contemporary glass movement.
Thank you in advance for your generous support.
ISGB is a 501(c) (3) organization. Your contribution may be tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax preparer.
Raise Your Hand and Get Involved!

Meet our Board of Directors!
This is a great opportunity to work with like minded glass enthusiasts. The ISGB is always looking to expand and could use your support.
Join the Board - View open posistions HERE
Join a Committee - do you have skills in fundraising, video editing, or Facebook sales? Read MORE about our appointed positions and committees.
The Glass Bead Evolution - are you a writer, graphic artist, or proof-reader? Contact for more information
"Improvements begin with I"
ISGB is grateful to our sponsors! These leaders in the industry support the art of glass beadmakers. They provide materials for The Gathering, support our Member Challenges and help us create programs that bring the glass arts to the public. Email to find out how you help.

Opportunities to advertise to our membership include
Glass Bead Evolution
Gathering Registration Bags
- Monthly Newsletter
For more information contact Ask about how a membership with the ISGB can provide deeper advertising discounts.