November 2019 Creativity Challenge

Art Inspired


Congratulations to Jay Shuster!


Thank you to our sponsor!     

Angelika Beele

Artist Statement

I learned this glitter technique from Angela Meier from Switzerland. Relief Techniques with Silver Glass, Fumes with Gold and Silver, Artclay Silver Overlay.


Inspired By

Rosa Caird

Artist Statement

Here is my entry for the November Challenge. 

It is based on the art piece titled "The Swing", by Jean-Honore Fragonard. 

I chose it because of the movement in the painting, and the sense of fun. 

My interpretation is a panda on a swing... I pondered clothing for the panda... dress? hat? shoe in flight? But in the end, I like the bare panda best. When hanging from a chain around your neck, it even has movement as you walk.


Inspired By

Kari Chittenden

Artist Statement

Here is my glass sculpture, inspired by 'Little Dancer" by Degas. I saw his sculpture in person several years ago and loved the mixed media bronze sculpture with real tulle skirt and ribbon in her hair. Attaching the skirt was difficult.


Inspired By

Rita Ann Hart

Artist Statement

I am a novice bead maker, but a longtime maker. I weave wall hangings and spin yarn. I am drawn to the creative process like a moth to the flame. Flame? Ah, glass is a new amazing medium. I find color inspiration from nature and especially from the palette of flowers. I love all things botanical for shape and composition too. I admire the work of Monet and his floral paintings. I love how frit stretches and blurs under a clear encasement and decided to practice that technique with these colors. My bead uses purples and greens transformed with the hint of impressionist imagery.


Inspired By

Marcy Lamberson

Artist Statement

This is a necklace I made for the ISGB's Convergence III show.

It was called "Head in Clouds" as a whimsical ode to Son of Man by Rene Magritte.

I made it quite a few years ago and do not wish to be in the drawing as it's not new from this month.  But thought you might be able to use an extra photo to round out your submissions.  Thank you for having them.  I hope members use them as they will help their growth as glass artists.


Inspired By

Sabine Nuesch

Artist Statement

I was searching for an artist and happened to spot a print that spoke to me in a thrift shop. I took it home and researched the artist and fell in love with his work . His name is Ted Harrison, a Canadian artist that spent lots of time in the Yukon.


Inspired By


Jay Shuster

Artist Statement

One of a group of beads honoring Rene Magritte’s La Trahison Des Images (Ceci n'est pas une pipe) (The Treachery of Images [This is Not a Pipe]) 

I have loved Magritte’s work since my introduction to his painting, The Son of Man, during third grade art history.  This bead series is inspired by La Trahison Des Images, a classic piece of surrealist art that strikes a chord with me on many levels.  I enjoy word play, and challenging assumptions, this painting does both. As an Oregon glass artist who started working in the mid '90s, I’m often asked if I’m a pipe maker. I have made a few, but am a bead maker and sculptor. I honor and respect glass pipe artists, and have a huge debt of gratitude for all that they contribute to glass art and the industry, but I have never considered myself one.  I made these beads by sculpting individual pipes and pressing them into a very hot bead that was shaped using a press. With this series I am combining the two styles of glass I focus on, sculpture and beads, with my interest in surreal art while simultaneously addressing the modern glass pipe movement and my relationship to it.


Inspired By

Wendy Velasquez

Artist Statement

Jim Dine was one of the artists in my grandkids' art program at their elementary school.  I volunteer to teach the art lessons in their classrooms.

Jim Dine is known for painting hearts.  Frequently, he paints the inside of the hearts in warm colors and the background  in cool colors. This inspired me to make a heart in Jim Dine's style.


Inspired By

Inge von Roos

Artist Statement

I chose a painting by Friedensreich Hundertwasser as the inspiration for my bead. Hundertwasser has long been my favorite artist.  His paintings and prints are characterized by undulating curves, organic shapes and bright colors.

 The painting I chose is “Lucifer’s Tongue 1”. I love the bold, bright colors. Rich hues are layered one upon the other.

 It took me many trials to come up with a bead I liked. I did many cane experiments. I made the bead by layering many stringers from many different cane rods that I had made. I had the most difficulty with red, yellow, and orange. At first they were too muddy. I finally got what I wanted when I put a layer of white down and then the red, orange, and yellow.


Inspired By

Natalie Zhitomyrsky

Artist Statement

My name is Natalie Zhitomyrsky. I am a lampworker from Israel.  I love tender watercolor landscapes. It is very difficult to work with watercolors, because nothing can be corrected. Just like with the hot glass. I chose the gentle blue landscape of Maximilian Voloshin, the artist who lived at the beginning of the 20th century.  I had no purpose to replicate the painting. I wanted to convey the atmosphere of the evening mountain landscape. I used pieces of shards to create the mountains. And let the glass to flow freely. The result was a double-sided bead, with a mountain landscape on its reverse side too.  But according to the terms of the competition, I sent a photo of one side.  It was interesting to work and thank you for a great challenge!‭‮


Inspired By

November Entries