November 2020 Creativity Challenge

Random Acts of Kindness

Congratulations to Inge von Roos!

Random Acts of Kindness

Celebrate World Kindness Day and create a bead or set of beads as a gift. Teachers, doctors, friends or any one else who could use a little bright spot in their day.

Thank you to our sponsor! 

Angelika Beele

Artist Statement

On this Ring-Top I have depicted a gold - decal feather. It symbolizes the lightness and the truth. That we all meet each other in ease and honesty and love.

I would like to give my self-made pearl to a friend who meets her job in the community every day with a lot of passion, ease, love and with a smile on her face.


Karen Crown

Artist Statement

The attached image is of a necklace I designed for my "bonus" daughter....I have worked with this person for almost 15 years....she began as my intern
teacher....then my student teacher....then became a coworker for the rest of my
time at Union Grove High School.   Sandi and I have always had a wonderful
friendship....and she has been there for me during the last six months since my husband passed.   I can talk to her about anytime....and she can do the same.   She is still teaching.....during a very stressful time in education.   She is amazing!  So I thought she needed a little surprise.

I am a member of Glass Lampworkers of Wisconsin.....GLOW.

My artist statement changes every time I write this time in my life my artist statement means I can create whatever I want...whenever I want.   I don't worry about getting my show items ready....there are not shows right now in my area.  So I love the fact that my ideas and designs that have been put on the back burner for a number of years are finally coming to life!  Creativity is life.


Lidia Godfrid

Artist Statement

I made this heart ring, with Murano glass and silver lost wax, for my loved daughter Julieta, who always supports me through all my projects and dreams.  With her love, encouragement, and support, I reach my dreams.  I’m really grateful with her and I feel it’s my best way to tell thank you to her.


Lisa Hanley

Artist Statement

I did 2 different Random Acts of Kindness this month, which I greatly enjoyed.  The first was just a fun stringer design based on a popular meme about people not wearing their masks correctly.   I wanted to practice techniques that I learned in JC Herrell’s class, plus I just wanted to make something fun since this whole covid pandemic just stresses me out!  So the very inappropriate Dick Nose bead was born (thank you to Sheila Davis for the name).   But I posted my meme attempt bead on Facebook and people seemed to really like it.  So I made 2 more and randomly raffled them off on Facebook.  14 people seemed equally frustrated with the situation and joined the raffle. So I will be mailing those off to the lucky 2 winners… one was my Mom and the other was Sheila.

The 2nd Random Act was for a neighbor friend of mine.  I was feeding her cat for a few days since she and her family were out of town.  So I decided to make a glass figurine of her cat and purple feeder to surprise her when she got back home.  When she arrived home and saw the figures on her kitchen counter, per her husband, she “squealed with delight”.  I was glad to lift her spirits, since she’s been having a rough time, plus I knew that the trip was a stressful one.


Ila Meyer-Fritzsche

Artist Statement

I almost always start every torching session with a monster or mummy to warm up... each one a little (sometimes a lot) different.  When Covid-19 descended upon us, I began putting masks on most of the little guys. So many times I've wanted to say more than thank you to folks when I've had to be out and about... like the pharmacist or take-out delivery person. So I keep a couple on me all the time to share. Recently, I accompanied my wife on several doctor visits for her upcoming hip replacement and shared a couple with her physician, who recalled getting one a year ago (he pocketed both, looked at his PA, and said, "we might have to fight over these").  You just never know what small gestures of thanks might mean to someone these days.


Shelley Morren

Artist Statement

I have a good friend who has had a very challenging year.  She has significant medical concerns, and is a person who inspires universal mask wearing to keep her safe.  She started painting last year, and makes lovely little quick paintings of animals. She sent me a photo of a painted brown pelican, and I made this (impressionistic!) brown pelican bead inspired by it to send to her.


Inge von Roos

Artist Statement

I made this piece as a gift for my sister. She lost her son 20 years ago and snowmen remind her of him. 

I used Effetre glass and made the sky sparkle with dichroic stringers, which I learned to make in a demo by Jeri Warhaftig. 

I belong to Silicon Valley Fireflies, Arizona Society of Glass Beadmakers, and Northern California Society of Glass Beadmakers.


Shelly Woollvin

Artist Statement

My friend is that friend, the one you can rely on.  When we found out I was to have a knee replacement, she instantly said, "Tell me what you need", and did it.  She’s been my friend for many years, and I’m sure she will be forever.  She loves to eat out but was concerned about putting her purse on the ground, and there isn’t always an extra chair or room to put it behind on the chair.  I was pleased to be able to gift her this purse hanger with my moon bead on it.  It was a fun challenge to get the cab just the right size to fit in the purse hanger.


November Entries